Awaab’s Law, named after Awaab Ishak, a two-year-old who tragically passed away from a respiratory condition caused by extensive mould in his Rochdale home, represents a significant reform in social housing standards in the UK. The law is part of the government’s commitment to ensure safe housing and prevent such tragedies in the future.
Key aspects of Awaab’s Law include:
- Strict Time Limits for Repairs: Social landlords are required to investigate and address health hazards like damp and mould within strict time limits. This includes a mandate to investigate hazards within 14 days, begin rectifying them within a further 7 days, and make emergency repairs within 24 hours.
- Legal Accountability: Landlords who fail to meet these obligations can be taken to court and may be ordered to compensate tenants. This measure is intended to prevent delays in rectifying issues in people’s homes.
- Enhanced Transparency: The law also mandates that landlords keep clear records of their efforts to comply with these new timelines, enhancing transparency for tenants.
- Broader Social Housing Reforms: Awaab’s Law is part of broader changes under the Social Housing (Regulation) Bill. This includes new enforcement powers for the Regulator of Social Housing to address bad landlord practices, including the authority to issue unlimited fines and enter properties with only 48 hours’ notice to make emergency repairs in severe cases.
- Strengthening Tenants’ Rights: The changes are aimed at enshrining tenants’ rights in law, with the Social Housing Bill strengthening the Housing Ombudsman and Regulator’s powers. This ensures that tenants have legal means to hold landlords accountable for providing decent homes.
- Consultation and Implementation: The government launched a consultation to determine the specific timeframes for these obligations, with the intention to introduce secondary legislation to bring Awaab’s Law into effect as soon as practically possible.
Awaab’s Law represents a significant step in addressing systemic issues in social housing, particularly in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire. It not only aims to improve the safety and quality of social housing but also ensures that tenants are treated fairly by their landlords.
The implementation of Awaab’s Law will likely have a profound impact on social housing standards in the UK, setting a precedent for landlord responsibilities and tenant safety.